September 4, 2015

32 Before 32

I’m a list maker. If I go to the store with five things in mind without a physical list there’s zero guarantee I’m coming back with three of the five. If I’m packing for a trip, I’ll not only write everything down on a list, I’ll spread it all out on the bed and check it off said list before even attempting to pack a bag. I’ve had lists to remember my lists and digital sticky notes that take up far too much of my desktop space. With this penchant for rows and columns it’s a little disappointing that I didn’t have a bucket list until three years ago.
By: Ryan Walters - September 04, 2015

April 22, 2015

This Is Real Life

When I say “real life,” what comes to mind? Please, for the love of everything you hold dear don’t let it be the wretched 90s show that destroyed not only MTV as we knew it, but also television as a whole. Please don’t let that enter your mind. It should be a simple question: what constitutes “real” life?
(photo by Mallory Dowd)
By: Ryan Walters - April 22, 2015

February 9, 2015


Why I Have To Leave

"I remember the moment I first realized I've been living my whole life in black and white. It was like discovering a color I never knew existed before. A whole new crayon box full of colors. That was it for me. From then on, there was no putting the pieces back together. No going home. Things were different now. Asia had ruined me for my old life.”
- Anthony Bourdain
(photo by Mallory Dowd)
By: Ryan Walters - February 09, 2015